Fruit That Will Last

How Does The Word Of God Bear Fruit In Us?

Introduction - Part 1

In the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:11-15), we are told that the seed is the word of God, and when people hear the word of God, the condition of their heart will make the Word of God productive or unfruitful. The four conditions of the heart are listed in this Parable as follows: 1) the seed along the pathway; 2) the seed on rocky ground; 3) the seed among the thorns; 4) and the seed on good soil. Let us continue looking in this Scripture to see why there are four conditions of the heart.

Luke 8:12 describes the seed along the pathway as those who hear the Word of God, and the devil takes the Word of God from their heart so they cannot believe it and be saved. Luke 8:13 describes the seed on rocky ground as those who hear the Word of God and receive it with joy, but they have no root, so when they are tested because of the word of God, they give up. Luke 8:14 describes the seed among the thorns as those who hear the word of God, but are caught up with the pleasures of life in the world, so they do not mature. Finally, Luke 8:15 describes the seed in good soil as one who has a good heart, retains the word, and by persevering, produces a crop. Let us go a bit deeper into understanding how the good heart produced a crop.

In John 15:1, Jesus is the true vine, and God is the gardener. Jesus tells us that He is the vine. We are the branches, and if we remain in Him (trust and obey Him in every area of our life), and He remains in us (we allow Him to be Lord and Savior in every area of our life), we will bear much fruit (have more than we could ever desire for Godly living). Jesus also warns us that we cannot do a single thing in the Kingdom of God if we do not have Him taking charge of our lives (John 15:5). We need Jesus to become the good soil for the word of God to bear fruit. Who is Jesus? Let us dive into this conversation in John 14:5-11, as Jesus again explains who He is to His disciples.