Fruit That Will Last

The Holy Spirit Convicts The World

The Holy Spirit Is Convicting The World Until Jesus Returns

Although Jesus is not here in bodily form, He is here in Spirit. Jesus told the disciples, just before He left, that it would be beneficial to them if He left so that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, could come to them (John 16:7). Jesus said in John 16:8, “when He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convict the world of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgement.”


Jesus explained that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin because they do not believe in Him (John 16:9).

The only person who can convict a sinner’s heart for not believing how the blood of Jesus can wash sins away is the Holy Spirit. Only He can convict an unbelieving heart. So submit to the Holy Spirit’s conviction about what the Word of God says about what Jesus did for your sins on the cross.


Jesus also explained that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of righteousness because He goes back to God, His Father, and they do not see Him again (John 16:10).


The only person who can convict a sinner’s heart when Jesus is gone is the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the only one who lived a sinless life in this world before returning to the Father. No one knows what is right but Jesus. He is the standard by which we must live, which is what the Holy Spirit will teach. Therefore, submit to the Holy Spirit’s conviction that what Jesus says about righteousness in the Word of God is the only standard to follow.


Jesus further explained that the Holy Spirit would convict the world of judgment because the devil is condemned (John 16:11).


The only person who can convict a sinner’s heart for believing in lies and deceit and not believing in the truth from the Word of God in Jesus is the Holy Spirit.


Jesus judged and condemned the devil between the time He was on the cross and when He rose again from the grave. If the father of lies and deceit was already judged, then his lying, deceitful children will be judged when Jesus returns unless they submit to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.


Submit to the Holy Spirit’s conviction on trusting and obeying the truth about Jesus in the Word of God, and thus, escape judgment.